Mejor saga

miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

Tower of Ghenjei

The Tower of Ghenjei is a shining column of metal some 200 feet (60 meters) tall, and as big around as a house. Despite this, it has no apparent seams or an entrance. Through the Tower of Ghenjei it is possible to reach both worlds of the Aelfin and eelfin. One must use a bronze knife and make a sign: a triangle drawn in the air and then a wavy line through it, anywhere on the side of the tower, and a door will open. The tower is referred to many times throughout The Wheel Of Time series. Firstly, in The eye of the world Captain Bayle Domon speaks of the "tower of metal" that Matrim Cauthon and Rand al'Thor see off in the distance, stating that he has been up close to it and that river traders use it as a travel marker. In The Shadow Rising, Borgitte Silverbow tells Perrin Aybara that Slayer has fled into it, but not to enter as it is 'all but impossible' to return from. Birgitte tells him that inside, is the world of the Aelfinn and the Eelfinn. It is also interesting to note that it is similar to the children's game Snakes and Foxes which is impossible to win if played according to the rules.

In Knife of Dreams, the contents of Moraine's letter to Thom Merrillin tells the reader that she has not been killed by her falling through the ter'angreal doorway, but she is trapped in the Tower of Ghenjei. Mat Cauthon, Thom Merrilin, and a third person she does not know have the chance to return her from it. Noal Charin asked if he could accompany Thom and Mat on their journey to save Moiraine. It is implied in Knife of Dreams that rescuing Moiraine from The Tower Of Ghenjei will be a real life version of Snakes and Foxes in which Mat's extraordinary luck will play an extremely important part.

Shayol Gul

In the Wheel of Time fantasy novel series, Shayol Ghul is a mountain beyond the Great Blight in the north of the known world. It is the place in the physical world to which the Dark One's prison seems closest. The distance to the prison and the Bore is really no shorter than anywhere else, but the Pattern is thinner there, enabling The Dark One to exert far greater control over the mountain and the surrounding area than other places in the physical world, and his high-ranking followers such as the Chosen travel there to commune with him. The Prophecies of th Dragon state that TarmoGaidon, the Last Battle, will take place in part at Shayol Ghul. Deep within the depths of Shayol Ghul, there is believed to be a place known as the Pit of Doom in which the Dark One resides, it is often heard of in stories and is occasionally used in some sayings implying that they'd much rather be there than where they currently were.


The Dark One is the source of the True Power, which is analogous to the One Power. However, one can only draw on the True Power with the Dark One's blessing. Furthermore, it is much more addictive than either saidin or saidar, and not even the strongest willpower can fight the desire to use it. The True Power is demonstrated to be centered around death and destruction; for example Moridin uses it accidentally to crush the life out of a servant. As of the end of The Gathering Storm, only Moridin and Rand can use the power as they are linked together.
The Dark One has never been actually seen in any of the novels. Padan Fain states in The Fires of Heaven that the Pit of Doom's lake of fire "holds the Great Lord of the Dark in its endless depths." Although this language may be figurative, the Dark One has several powers within the area of Shayol Ghul. He can speak, although his 'voice' is massive enough to inflict incredible ecstasy and pain on the listener, often reducing those to whom he speaks to barely a coherent state.
There are other ways the Dark One can impact the world, as well. Metaphysically, the Bore is a pathway that allows the Dark One to reach out into the physical world; Lews Therin Telamon and the Hundred Companions attempted to seal the Bore to limit the Dark One's power, but over the course of the series his influence extends, and the cuendillar seals on his prison begin to weaken and break. By Lord of Chaos, several seals have broken and the rest are fragile.
As the Bore widens, the following phenomena occur, indicative of the increasing ability of the Dark One to affect the world.
  • The Forsaken begin to escape (Aginor and Balthamel first)
  • "bubbles of evil", likened by Moiraine to a miasma in a swamp, emanate periodically from the Dark One, twisting reality in the Pattern to lethal effect, especially near ta'veren
  • The Dark One often uses the environment against his enemies. In The Eye of the World, he attempted to cause widespread starvation through prolonged winter. The unnatural winter was broken by Rand al'Thor, as he unintentionally uses the store of pure Saidin at the Eye of the World.
From Lord of Chaos onwards, the Dark One visits the burning of extended summer drought upon the land. This freak weather is eventually righted by Nynaeve and Elayne (amongst others) with the Bowl of the Winds in The Path of Daggers. However, by the time of 'Knife of Dreams' the Dark One's influence has stretched so that the food stores of the whole of the Westland are becoming impossibly spoiled, even through a Power wrought warding which is intended to prevent this (and has indeed done so for the last couple of thousand years).
  • During The Eye of the World, Rand is convinced the seals on Shayol Ghul are weakening, because 'Ba'alzamon' is showing increasing ability to touch the world. In fact, the seals still held, and Ishamael was simply masquerading as the Dark One.
  • Power to resurrect the dead, as with Aran'gar, Osan'gar, Moridin, and Cyndane.
  • Most ominously, power to alter reality: in Knife of Dreams, the plans of buildings change randomly, the dead are commonly seen by those who knew them, and saidar itself seems to be weakening. Some characters have voiced the theory that the Pattern itself imprisons the Dark One, and that this seeming unraveling of the Pattern is the last and greatest omen of his emergence.
  • Tarmon Gai'don, at which point the Dark One will have his greatest influence.
Speaking the true name of the Dark One, Shai'tan, is believed to bring misfortune on the speaker. In the books, this is represented by the world 'lurching' around the namer and causing shadowspawn to find them easier. Darkfriends claim not to fear this misfortune, but consider speaking his name to be blasphemy. As a result, there are many alternative names for him:
  • Ba'alzamon (meaning 'Heart of the Dark' in the Trolloc language, a name assumed by the quasi-bound Ishamael; humans learned it and assumed that it was the Trolloc name for the Dark One, hence the misunderstanding in the first three novels that Ba'alzamon was the Dark One himself)
  • Father of Lies
  • Sightblinder (used by the Aiel)
  • Soulburner
  • Lord of the Grave
  • Shepherd of the Night
  • Heartsbane
  • Soulsbane
  • Heartfang (used by the wolves)
  • Old Grim
  • Father of Storms (used by the Atha'an Miere)
  • Grassburner
  • Leafblighter (used by the Aiel)
  • Caisen Hob ("Old Hob", used by the Seanchan)
  • Great Lord of the Dark; Great Lord (used only by Darkfriends, the Forsaken, and Myrddraal)
At the time of the books, the Dark One is imprisoned in the same nameless state the Creator placed him in at the moment of creation, but with a "Bore" drilled into that prison. The Bore, made by Mierin Eronaile, was subsequently sealed with a patch made by Lews Therin Telamon and the Hundred Companions at the end of the War of Power. A backlash of power at this moment of sealing led to the taint on saidin, the male half of the One Power.
The Dark One has the most influence in the Pit Of Doom. The Pit Of Doom is an otherworldly place beneath Shayol Gul, a mountain in the valley of Thakan'dar, beyond the Blight. In the books, Shayol Ghul is entirely a real place, but the Pit Of Doom, while it lies beneath Shayol Ghul, is either partially or wholly not in the world. Shayol Ghul was a tropical paradise in the Age of Legends.

domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2010


It is believed that the Black Ajah was founded by the Forsaken Ishamael, but currently it reports to Mesaana, who is undercover in the White Tower. The Ajah is administered by a supreme council of thirteen, the head of which is Alviarin Freidhen, the only member of the Black Ajah to know the identities of all Black sisters.
The leader of the Black Ajah is given the title Head of the Great Council of Thirteen. The Ajah is organized into a series of units called hearts, which consist of three sisters who know only each other and one other woman from another heart.
Members are known baut I think that is better that the reader discover them at read the saga.


The Yellow Ajah is headed by a woman known as the First Weaver. This Ajah also has a relatively small network of Eyes and Ears. The Yellow Ajah uses a bouquet of yellow flowers strung upside down with a yellow ribbon as an emergency signal. A Yellow identifies herself to an agent of the eyes and ears network by saying something containing the words yellow and heal.
The Yellow Ajah has traditionally used a method of healing that utilises only Water, Air, and Spirit. This method draws on strength from the person being healed, which results in the person becoming weak and ravenous, despite being physically healthy. This method of healing also causes a kind of shock; this shock can kill the grievously injured, small children and animals before the Healing has a chance to take effect. However, recent inductee Nynaeve al'Meara independently developed a new weave for healing which utilizes all five elements of the Power, as well as finding a cure for stilling which was previously thought incurable. Nynaeve’s new weave is known exclusively to the Aes Sedai that have rebelled in Salidar.
Corele Hovian is described as wild-looking but pretty. She is part of Cadsuane Melaidhrin's party and bonded Asha'man Damer Flinn.
Edesina Azzedin was one of the Salidar Aes Sedai sent to Tarabon to calm the unrest there. She was captured and made damane, but was able to escape with Mat's group.
Narenwin Barda is allied with the Tower and Elaida. She is the head of the Yellow Ajah's Eyes and Ears.
Nisao Dachen is an Aes Sedai on the side of the Salidar Aes Sedai. Her interests lie in the healing of the mind. Her Warder is Sarin Hoigan.
Romanda Cassin was a Sitter in the White Tower and First Weaver of the Yellow Ajah. She has been re-elected to both these positions as a member of the Salidar Aes Sedai. She has dark eyes, and wears her gray hair pulled back in a bun. Romanda, along with Lelaine Akashi, has been trying to gain control over Egwene as Amyrlin. She was the first Aes Sedai to have suspicions about Halima but was unable to act immediately due to the other Aes Sedai's demands that she explain her reasoning. By the time Romanda was finished, Halima had already escaped.
Salita Toranes is from Tear and is allied with the Salidar rebels supporting Egwene.
Samitsu Tamagowa is part of Cadsuane's group. She has one Warder and has been described by Cadsuane as one of the best Healers and a good leader, though she sometimes needed to be reassured of her abilities. Cadsuane left her in charge of Cairhien. Her warder is named Roshan. She is pretty, with hazel eyes and dark hair. She wears bells in her hair in the Arafellin fashion.
Ryma Galfrey is a former Yellow, has been captured by the Seanchan and made damane. She is now completely broken and has been renamed "Pura".


They are headed by a woman known as the First Reasoner, who, in the White Tower, is Ferane Neheran.
Whites consider themselves beyond the social causes that drive most of the other Ajahs and believe that they have no place for the material knowledge that members of the Brown Ajah, and, to a lesser extent,Yellow Ajah, seek. Whites are often described as showing incredibly little emotion (coincidentally, and somewhat ironically, white is the colour of mourning in the Wfeel of Time).
The White Ajah was the first Ajah to make the connection between the gentling crusade of the Red Ajah and the dwindling numbers of channelers, and suggested that gentled men should breed with Aes Sedai in the hope of producing more channelers. However, one sister suggested that, since the Whites had advocated the idea, they should therefore be the ones to bear these children. The Whites declined.
In the past members of the White Ajah have been friendly with members of the Blue Ajah. In general, they opposed Reds; however, when Elaida a'Rohian was raised as Amyrlin Seat, Alviarin Freidhen, a White, was made her Keeper of the Chronicles, despite the unofficial tradition that the Keeper and the Amyrlin be raised from the same Ajah.
Carlinya is one of the Salidar Six and also accompanied Siuan to Fal Dara to meet Moiraine. She is fairly powerful and ambitious. Min had a viewing of her with a raven tattoo, which suggests she will be involved with the Seanchan in the future
Daigian Moseneillin is a plump and pale Cairhien of a lesser House. She is one of the weakest Aes Sedai in the Tower. She is allied with Cadsuane Melaidhrin. She bonded Eben Hopwil (an Asha'man) as a Warder but he was killed in a fight with Aran'gar. She was killed in The Gathering Storm during Semirhage's escape.
Falion Bhoda: Former White Sister, revealed to be a member of the Black Ajah.
Ferane Neheran is the First Reasoner of the White Ajah. She is allied with the Tower Aes Sedai supporting Elaida and had once been a Sitter.
Norine Dovarna
Sarene Nemdahl initially supported Elaida but has sworn an oath to the Dragon Reborn. She hails from Tarabon, and is known to have a temper. She is more than beautiful and her warder's name is Vitalien.
Seaine Herimon is a sitter who is allied with Elaida. She was given the job of finding traitors within the White Tower. However, she and her novicehood friend Pevara Tazanovi discovered Darkfriends and worse.
Zerah Dacan was one of the ten Salidar Aes Sedai sent by Sheriam and company to the Tower to spread word that the Red Ajah had orchestrated Logain's rise to False Dragon status. However, she was caught by Seaine and Pevara and has since been assisting them in their hunt for the Black Ajah.


The Grey Ajah is headed by a woman known as the Head Clerk. The Grey Ajah also attempted to hold together the coalition of nations that fought against the Aiel in the Aiel War, but failed. It can be assumed that the Grey Ajah is quite skilled at political maneuvering. The Grey Ajah has on a great number of occasions stopped wars and other conflicts through their skill in crafting agreements and drafting treaties.
Andaya Forae. A Sitter for the Gray Ajah in the White Tower, she has been an Aes Sedai for less than seventy years and was hand-picked as a Sitter after the Tower's breaking by Serancha Colvine, head of the Gray Ajah herself. She hails from Tarabon.
Annoura Larisen is a dark haired Taraboner with braided hair. She is the Aes Sedai advisor to Berelain.
Beonin Marinye is a pretty Taraboner, with honey-coloured hair and blue-gray eyes, who has been Aes Sedai for about forty years. She is one of the Salidar Aes Sedai, but has since left and returned to Elaida, along with her Warder, Tervail Dura. She has revealed the existence of Salidar Aes Sedai moles in the White Tower to Elaida, as well as teaching her the new weaves that have been discovered.
Meidani was one of the ten Salidar Aes Sedai sent by Sheriam and company to the Tower to spread the news that the Red orchestrated Logain's rise as false Dragon. She also tried to spy on Elaida by rekindling the friendship they had as Accepted. She was caught by Seaine and company.
Merana Ambrey is a slim, hazel-eyed Andoran. Her Warder, Basan, died before the Aiel War and she has not bonded another. She was forced to swear fealty to Rand after the battle at Dumai's Wells and, along with Rafela Cindal, was involved in negotiations with the Sea Folk on behalf of Rand.
Merilille Ceandevin is an elegant, slender Cairhienin with dark hair and eyes, who is the ambassador of the Salidar Aes Sedai to the Ebou Dari court. She has been a part of the Gray Ajah for over a hundred years. She was teaching Renaile din Calon Blue Star and other Windfinders as a part of the bargain made over the Bowl of the Winds, but she has fled from the Royal Palace in Caemlyn with a Sea Folk apprentice.
Yukiri. A Sitter for the Gray Ajah in the White Tower, she supports Elaida. Her warder has been dead over a dozen years. Along with Saerin and several others, she is trying to root out the Black Ajah within the White Tower.


The head of the Green Ajah is called Captain-General. Additionally, each Ajah has three Sitters, who have been chosen within their Ajah to represent its interests in the Hall of the Tower. Typically, the leader or head of the Ajah is not usually a Sitter though this is not always the case.
While all Aes Sedai make it their business to combat the Shadow, the Green Ajah specializes in this kind of military and combat activity. In the Trolloc Wars, they were often called the Battle Ajah, as they participated in almost every battle. They are headed by a woman known as the Captain-General.
Greens are rarely without Warders, who provide an obvious benefit to any channeler in a battle zone, but even more than that members of the Green Ajah are well-known for their love of men, making them ideologically opposite to the Reds. The Green is the only Ajah to permit the bonding of more than one Warder, and there is apparently no limit to the number of bonded, though seven is the highest number shown so far. Also, Greens are generally the only Aes Sedai to marry their Warders, and those who do are usually among the few of their Ajah to have only one Warder.
They have had a long-standing friendship with the Blues, and generally oppose the Reds, though in recent events Greens sided with the Reds in many issues before the White Tower split. Greens are equally represented in both White Towers.
Cadsuane Melaidhrin:  Cadsuane is an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. She has nearly black eyes and wears her iron gray hair in a bun with many gold ornaments. The ornaments in her hair are angreal and ter'angreal. These include one that tells her the direction of somebody channeling the One Power be it the male or female half, one that senses a man's ability to channel, one that stores a small amount of saidar, one that goes cool when a woman embraces saidar and one that gives her the ability to disrupt an illusion when in close proximity to it. These items had been earned through trials set for her by a wilder in the Black Hills. When she went into retirement, Cadsuane had a legendary status amongst the other Aes Sedai. Many believed her to be dead at the time Rand declared himself to be the Dragon Reborn. Her ability to channel was the strongest of any woman in the last 1000 years until Egwenw al'Vere, Elayne Trakand and Nynaeve al'Meara were discovered. At the time she meets Rand she is almost 300 years old and the oldest (known) living Aes Sedai. She is said to have had more Warders than most Aes Sedai have had shoes.


Unlike the other Ajahs, the Brown is headed not by a single woman but by a ruling council. The head of this council is known as the First Chair. They are also the most knowledgeable Ajah when it comes to the Tower and lore of the One Power, although they are also generally knowledgeable in many subjects.
The Brown Ajah is devoted to the study and collection of knowledge. Brown sisters can often be found in the Great Library of the White Tower, which they administer, searching for new knowledge and subjects to study. While abroad, Browns frequently carry note and sketchbooks in which they document nearly everything they come across. They often lose touch with the rest of the world, leading most, including Moraine Damodred, to believe that Browns are somewhat distant and naïve; one exception that proved the rule was Verin Mathwin, who had deep perception of current events. Certain members of the Brown Ajah are also permitted to know about the 13th repository, the secret library in Tar Valon. They act as librarians caring and maintaining the library and these sisters are the only ones other than Sitters, the Amyrlin and her Keeper and unofficially the Ajah heads who even know of its existence as knowing about it, is itself a crime unless one hold one of these positions.
For the past few centuries the Brown Ajah have had some disagreements with the Blue, though they still share a positive working relationship and many Browns are part of the rebel Aes Sedai. Recently the Brown Ajah has put Min Farshaw's viewings and Perrin Aybara's status as a Wolfbrother under much scrutiny.
Verin Mathwin: Verin is an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, and secretly the Black Ajah. Verin has grayed hair and is considered to be one of the oldest Aes Sedai alive; likely over 200 years old. Like all members of the Brown Ajah, she devotes herself to knowledge and the pursuit of it; as a result, she has a tendency to go on fruitless tangents in dire conversations, and appear lost in thought at inopportune moments. Unlike other Brown sisters, however, she may only appear to be in these reveries to disguise her intentions, as she is at times very sharp and insightful, a trait very uncommon among true Browns. Moiraine Damodred remembers her particularly fondly from her days as a Novice and Accepted as Verin used to have the cooks leave sweets out for her and Siuan Sanche. Verin also told Morgase Trakand that there was no real need for her to remain in the Tower as she would never be able to do much with her limited talent even with teaching. Her rooms in the Brown Ajahs quarters are located next to a tapestry of two Kings who lived before Artur Hawkwing. Her rooms are full of books, scrolls, maps and skulls. There is also a Brown Owl that sits on a skull that is kept to keep the mice down as they chew paper. She elects plain garb, shying away from the finer silks and fabrics the other sisters prefer. She almost always keeps a writing case on her belt in order to jot down notes on certain goings-on when she feels it is important. Her notes take up many cupboards and chests in her room in the Tower. The notebooks are written in a cipher to prevent anyone reading what she is really writing about; she recently recorded this cipher and passed it on on with a collection of her notes so that her work would not be lost at her death. Her skills in the power can be counted as average: her Healing skill is no more than normal, and her skill with Earth is quite feeble; she has, however, discovered a weak form of Compulsion, similar to the form Liandrin of the Black Ajah uses. This was purely an exercise in curiosity at first and was done by piecing together fragments of wilders tricks to get people to do as they wished. In The gathering storm, we learn that Verin is actually a member of the Black Ajah; however, she had only joined to prevent her own death. She later made the decision to study the Ajah in order to eventually betray them to the Light. Using a loophole in her oaths to the Dark One, Verin poisons herself and then reveals all of her secrets to Egwenw al'Vere as she is about to die.

sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010


Its leader is known as the Highest. Reds are rarely raised to the Amyrlin Seat; there have only been three throughout recorded history, including Elaida do Avriny a'Rohian, in the course of the series. The two Reds that came before Elaida were both deposed as Amyrlin, the last two Amyrlins to have been deposed before  Siuan Sanche.
The traditional purpose of the Red Ajah was to seek out and control men who can channel saidin, generally by sensing the residue left by weavings of saidin. Over time, this practice evolved into "stilling" or "gentling" the men by severing their ties to the One Power completely. The Red Ajah has also recently undertaken a new role in world affairs: they have become intermediaries between the Aes Sedai and the Asha'man. Reds now bond Asha'man in preparation for the upcoming Tarmon Gai'don: it is believed that Reds have the most experience with male channelers, and are therefore the obvious choice.
Because saidin has now been cleaned of the taint, the Red Ajah is now somewhat purposeless, and author Robert Jordan has not specified whether it will find a new direction.
Reds have had a long-standing feud with the Blue Ajah. This feud began when Bonwhin, the last Red to have been made Amyrlin before Elaida, tried to control Artur Hawkwing, leading to an attempted invasion of Tar Valon and a breaking within the Tower itself. Bonwhin was replaced by a Blue sister, Deane Aryman, and the two Ajahs have been at odds ever since. This feud has recently caused another break among the Aes Sedai, starting with Siuan Sanche's deposing and ending with civil war within the Tower. Many Aes Sedai, Accepted, Novices and even servants fled the Tower for the town of Salidar, where a second, exiled White Tower was created. All Blues fled the tower, while no Reds did.
Elaida: The youngest daughter of a minor House in the north of Murandy, Elaida was the first novice to be raised to Accepted in only three years. She was raised to the shawl after Siuan Sanche and Moraine  Damodred's second year as novices and chose the Red Ajah. From the time Siuan and Moiraine came to theTower, Elaida made life miserable for them, pressing them so hard that other sisters often had to intervene. Her abusive and unwarranted 'help' as an already raised Aes Sedai were eventually put to an end after the then Mistress of Novices, Merean Redhill, having been informed by other concerned Accepted, threatened her with a penance as well as humiliation. Elaida bitterly resented this intervention, though, and grew to hate Siuan and Moiraine because of it. She has a strong aptitude with the One Power, but is frequently depicted as proud and foolish. She dreams of defeating the Salidar Rebels and having them kneel at her feet, and plans to build a grand palace for herself despite the ongoing crisis in Tar Valon. In The Fires of Heaven, Siuan speculates that Elaida was insanely jealous that the former was raised Amyrlin over her. This was probably one of Elaida's most motivating factors in deciding to mutiny against Siuan. In the novel Lord of Chaos, Padan FAin speculates that now that he has "brushed" Elaida with some of the taint of Shadar Logoth, she "might" trust her own mother, but never Rand al'Thor. This infection from Fain might also be a source of her growing and irrational paranoia.
Toveine: Toveine was a Sitter until her exile. She is described as short and slightly plump with smooth copper skin, dark eyes and long glossy dark hair. She is attractive, but not beautiful.
Fifteen years ago Toveine, and other Sitters for the Red Ajah, were exiled for their role in gentling male channelers beyond the walls of the White Tower. She is called out of exile to lead a group of fifty or so Aes Sedai to destroy the Black Tower and to gentle and hang every man they find. Upon locating the Black Tower they are captured by Asha'man and Toveine is subsequently Bonded by Logain, much like Aes Sedai create Bonds with their Warders. The modified Bonds include the ability to compel unconscious obedience.
Her time at the Black Tower is not easy. She is roughed up by the other Aes Sedai who accompanied her, blaming her for their capture. Logain's other Bonded Aes Sedai, Gabrelle, tells her that the captured Sisters must unite and that they two will submit to the strongest Aes Sedai there. It is during a ride with Logain that she and Gabrelle hear Atal Mishraile tell Logain that Mazrim Taim is letting him leave to go look for recruits. Toveine, along with Gabrelle go with him.
She ends up not looking for other recruits with Logain but locating Rand al'Thor instead, which was Logain's plan from the start.

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

       - Siuan Sanche: the sharp-tongued daughter of a fisherman from Tear, Siuan Sanche joined the White Tower at the same time as Moraine Damodred. Both ended up choosing the Blue as their Ajah and they plotted a scheme to ensure that the Dragon Reborn will win the Final Battle by allowing him to roam the world unleashed with an Aes Sedai guide by his side. At the beginning of the saga, Siuan is th Amirlyn seat, secretly supporting Moiraine's machinations of Rand al'Thor.
All that came to a halt when Elaida discovered Siuan and Moiraine's scheme and overthrew her. As punishment for "endangering the White Tower", Siuan and her Keeper, Leane Sharif, were stilled (cut off from touching or using Power) and slated for execution. They managed to escape with the help of Min and ended up with Logain in their party as they searched for the rebel Aes Sedai.
Siuan fell afoul of the disgraced Andoran general, Gareth Bryne, when Logain assaulted the owner of and set fire to the farmhouse barn they were sheltering in. Under a false name, Siuan gave an oath of servitude to Bryne but then escaped with the others. Bryne, in a moment of folly, pursued her to Salidar, where the rebel Hall immediately made him the commander of their armies. Siuan was thus forced to pay off her debt to Bryne, a fact that annoys her as much as the fact that she feels strongly attracted to him, which seems to be mutual. This is confirmed in The Gathering Storm, when Bryne agrees to join her on her attempt to rescue Egwene al'Vere from a siege in the White Tower, under two conditions. The first was that she bond him as her Warder, which she does, and the second, which isn't revealed until after, is that she agree to marry him, though not until things have settled down again.
In Salidar, Siuan managed to put herself in a position of power through the spy network she had maintained as Amyrlin and could still access. Her stilling was Healed by Nynaeve al'Meara, and although her strength is far less than before, giving her a low social rank among the Aes Sedai, she was begrudgingly accepted back to the shawl and has been reinstated as a member of the Blue. She eventually came to serve Egwene al'Vere as a trusted advisor in their fight against Elaida, schooling the hurriedly raised young Amyrlin Seat in the skills she herself learned during her tenure in that position. She firmly believes in the importance of allowing Rand al'Thor to stretch and learn his skills instead of leashing and chaining him the way Elaida intended to.
          - Moraine Damodred: ya explicada.
          - Lelaine Akashi: Lelaine is pretty, but is actually the oldest Salidar Sitter after Romanda. She has been a Sitter since at least as long as Moiraine and Siuan have been Aes Sedai. She heads one of the factions in the Salidar Hall and bitterly opposes Romanda Cassin, sitter of the Yellow Ajah. Both stalemated each other when the Salidar Aes Sedai were choosing a new Amyrlin. She has since unsuccessfully tried to control Egwene. After Egwene was captured by the Tower Aes Sedai, Lelaine began to plan how to become Amyrlin should something happen to Egwene.
Relations with others Ajahs
The Blue Ajah has a long friendship with the Green Ajah, and, though they disagree on certain points, have a decent relationship with the Brown. However, since the revolt against Siuan Sanche, the Blue Ajah has been ejected from within the White Tower.
All Ajahs have certain traditions, and a number of the Blue’s have been established. These traditions include never wearing red inside the Tower and wearing all blue on the first of each month. It is assumed that each Ajah has weaves known only to its members; two such weaves of the Blue Ajah’s are a weave that causes insects to gather and bite as one and one to cause fear in the viewer.


Organization: The Blue Sisters involve themselves with causes and justice. One of the most prominent causes currently undertaken is that of Moiraine Damodred and Siuan Sanche: the discovery, assistance, and protection of the Dragon Reborn, Rand al'Thor. The Blue Ajah is the second smallest one, but it has the most extensive network of eyes-and-ears. The Blue Ajah has great influence, due to their involvement in world events as well as the large number of Amyrlins raised from the Blue. The head of the Blue Ajah is called the First Selector.

domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010


Ajahs: In the Age of Legends time period of the Wheel of Time series, an Ajah was a temporary group of people banded together for a specific purpose. In the present, or time period of the main plot of the Wheel of Time, the Ajahs are seven sub-societies among which all Aes Sedai, except for the Amyrlin, of the White Tower are divided. These societies each have representatives in the legislation of the Tower, have personal ideologies, customs and purposes for joining, their own ruling heads, and all except the White have networks of spies.

Only the members of a certain Ajah are supposed to know their head's identity. However, the heads of the Ajahs know each other, but this is not widely known.

Entering an Ajah: traditionally, every sister chooses an Ajah immediately after being raised beyond the rank of Accepted. Egwene al’Vere, the current Amyrlin Seat, never chose an Ajah as she was raised directly from Accepted to Amyrlin without being made Aes Sedai first; according to a technicality in the law it was actually the act of raising her to the Amyrlin Seat itself that made her Aes Sedai.
Ajahs have certain traditions and ceremonies involved in entering them, which aren’t entirely known. Generally Ajahs accept entrance almost immediately; it is however rumoured that some of the Aes Sedai raised by decree of Egwene al’Vere had to beg. Aes Sedai cannot switch Ajahs after being accepted into one; however, when Leane Sharif, a former member of the Blue Ajah, was Stilled and then Healed, she was considered to have lost all titles and right along with the ability to channel. Thus, when she was Healed, she did not resume her position as Aes Sedai but rather regained it, and was allowed to choose a new Ajah, the Green. She and Siuan Sanche are also the only known Aes Sedai to have been raised to the rank twice. Siuan, for her part, chose to return to the Blues.


After the Breaking: on the eastern continent of Robert Jordan’s world, the remaining female Aes Sedai eventually reorganised themselves on the island of Tar Valon, where, with the assistance of the Ogier, they built the White Tower. The Aes Sedai there became a monastic order, taking in initiates and shaping them into fully-fledged sisters through years of hard training. Their elected leader held the title Amyrlin Seat and became as powerful or more powerful than any king, queen or legislative body. The Aes Sedai ensured that any man with the ability to channel would be gentled, i.e. severed from the Power. The common people of Jordan’s series had a tendency to fear the Aes Sedai, knowing that they channelled the same power that had caused the Breaking of the World. As a result, paired with their general aloofness, Aes Sedai have often been the focus of mistrust and even hate, some being convinced that all of them were Darkfriends in service to the Shadow. As a way of making themselves "safer" and more trustworthy, Aes Sedai began to employ the Oath Rod, taking binding oaths that might make them seem less dangerous. They also developed the weave for bonding Warders at this time, as narration from the point of view of the Forsaken indicates that this weave did not exist during the Age of Legends.

On the continent of Seanchan, Aes Sedai set themselves up as local governors and rulers rather than establishing a single, united order. During the conquest of Seanchan by the armies of Luthair Paendrag, these Aes Sedai were turned against each other and a device called an a'dam, able to hold women who can channel against their will, was invented. Aes Sedai on the continent were eventually rendered extinct as Luthair Paendrag's successors consolidated control over the entire continent, and Aes Sedai are outlawed in the Seanchan Empire. Instead, all women are tested for the ability to channel at a young age. Those who can channel are made damane and leashed with a'dam, while those who can learn to channel are made sul'dam, who control the damane using a'dam. The Seanchan themselves are unaware that sul'dam can learn to channel, only that they can control damane through a'dam, and it is speculated by characters within the series that, if that discovery were to be made, the fabric of Seanchan society might suddenly collapse. Men and women who cannot channel are unable to control damane using a'dam, while men who can channel or learn to channel feel great pain upon contact with a'dam, and if the contact is long they die.


In the Age of Legends: the Age of Legends is a relatively utopian society. Men and women with the ability to channel used the One Power to aid all of mankind—as scientists, healers, philosophers, etc.—constantly developing new innovations and technology to make everyone's life easier. In the series these people were therefore known as Aes Sedai, meaning "Servants of All" in the Old Tongue. In spite of the use of the word “servant,” Aes Sedai had considerable status and respect, gained from their use of the One Power. The characters called Aes Sedai convened in the Hall of the Servants in the city of Paaran Disen. The greatest Aes Sedai of the Age of Legends was a man named Lews Therin Telamon, also known as The Dragon.

In the Wheel of Time story, The One Power is divided into male and female halves, known respectively as saidin and saidar. Men who can channel do so using the male half and women use the female half. The greatest works of the Aes Sedai were always performed by groups of men and women channeling together.
It is explained at various points throughout the story, certain Aes Sedai felt that the separation of the two halves of the Power constrained them. Researchers working at the Collam Daan discovered what they thought was a new source of power able to be channelled by both genders. Mierin Sedai (later Lanfear) and Beidomon Sedai bored into it, soon discovering that they had unwittingly enabled the Dark One, formerly imprisoned outside of Time, to influence the world. The power they sensed was in fact the True Power, a dark force akin to the One Power that stems from the Dark One. The former utopia began to slowly decline, until the outbreak of the War of Power, in which many Aes Sedai went over to the Shadow and commanded the armies of the Dark One. The most powerful "dark" Aes Sedai were selected by the Dark One and called themselves the Chosen, although the rest of the world named them the Forsaken. By the end of the War of Power, thirteen of the Forsaken remained, although there had been others who died before the resealing of the Dark One.
Later revealed by Jordan, in a desperate move to end the devastating conflict, Lews Therin Telamon and the Hundred Companions, all males and actually numbering 113, led a last-ditch assault on Shayol Ghul, successfully resealing the Bore and trapping the Dark One, as well as (almost) all the Forsaken, outside of the world. However, the Dark One's final counterattack tainted saidin itself, and the surviving Hundred Companions (sixty-eight in total) went mad instantly -- Lews Therin himself murdered his entire family, earning the title "Kinslayer". Over time all surviving male Aes Sedai were driven mad by the Dark One's attack on saidin. In their madness, they began to channel wildly, causing almost total destruction to everything that hadn't already been wiped out by the war, their powers even altering the geography of the world. Some few male Aes Sedai sought shelter in stedding, areas of the world in which channeling was impossible and the taint had no effect, but eventually all male Aes Sedai abandoned the stedding and went mad. By the time the last male Aes Sedai had died, the world map was all but unrecognisable, and the remains of humanity were scattered and destitute. This catastrophic period was called the Breaking of the World.
Among Aes Sedai in the time period of the series, some Aes Sedai, primarily the Red Ajah, believe that male Aes Sedai sheltering in stedding exacerbated the Breaking, making it longer and more damaging than it might have otherwise been. Others, primarily the Blue Ajah, hold that the Breaking might have destroyed the world entirely had all male Aes Sedai gone insane at the same time.
However, female Aes Sedai of the time Foresaw the Rebirth of the Dragon, and undertook several wonders (the Eye of the World, the Stone of Tear, Callandor, etc.) to guide his path and provide him with what he needed.


Hall of Servants: the Hall of the Servants was the center of Aes Sedai power in the Age of Legends, analogous to the White Tower in the Third Age. It is unclear if the name referred to the organization of Aes Sedai as well their headquarters (as in Lews Therin Sedai of the Hall of Servants).
The Hall of the Servants was located in Paaran Disen, which was also the center of world government at the end of the Second Age.
The leader of the Servants was known simply as the First Amongst Servants. He or she wore the ring of Tamyrlin as a symbol of their leadership. Tamyrlin was the first person to channel the One Power, and the ring may have been a construct of his or hers, perhaps even the first angreal.
Just before the War of Power, Lews Therin Telamon was First Amongst Servants. He was also said to have summoned the Nine Rods of Dominion, which were regional governors of the planet, making him similar in power to a global president. Given the attitude of Aes Sedai and non-channelers in the Third Age it is not likely that all leaders of the Hall of Servants could summon the Nine Rods, but that this power was linked to the individual's ability rather than his or her station as First Amongst Servants.

sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010


La Rueda del Tiempo gira y las eras llegan y pasan y dejan tras de sí recuerdos que se convierten en leyenda. La leyenda se difumina, deviene mito, e incluso el mito se ha olvidado mucho antes de que la era que lo vio nacer retorne de nuevo. En una era llamada la tercera por algunos, una era que ha de venir, una era transcurrida hace mucho, comenzó a soplar un viento [...] El viento no fue el principio, pues no existen comienzos ni finales en el eterno girar de la Rueda del Tiempo. Pero aquél fue un principio...
Así comienza cada uno de los tomos en que se compone La Rueda del Tiempo, una de las sagas más exitosas de la actual literatura fantástica. Este párrafo inicial resalta la importancia de los Entramados de cada una de las siete Eras en las que se compone el tiempo, representadas en una rueda con 7 radios. Estos Entramados están formados por los hilos de las vidas humanas, tejidos por la Rueda, y que cambian ligeramente por cada vez que transcurre una misma Era, la cual no empieza hasta que transcurra la anterior, formando de esta manera un ciclo que se repite una y otra vez. De vez en cuando, surge un ta'veren, una persona cuyo hilo se convierte en el centro de un Entramado sobre el cual se tejen los hilos vitales de su alrededor, quizá todos los hilos del Entramado, formando así una Trama que cambia de forma radical el mismo.
En una Era que ya es mito, transcurrida hace más de 3000 años de la época en que comienza el desarrollo de la trama, la humanidad vivía en una época de paz y prosperidad, las guerras parecían olvidadas, no había ejércitos y se combinaban armónicamente un elevado desarrollo tecnológico y un amor por la sabiduría. Como elemento central de la armonía social estaba la hermandad Aes Sedai, hombres y mujeres que utilizaban el don de la Fuente Verdadera en beneficio de todos, de ahí su nombre que significa “Siervos de todos”. Pero en medio de esta idílica época, la arrogancia del hombre provocó el resurgimiento de un antiguo mal, un ente que fue desterrado por el Creador a una prisión fuera del tiempo y del espacio al principio de las Eras. El Oscuro fue parcialmente liberado de dicha prisión y algunos de los miembros más poderosos de la influyente hermandad de los Aes Sedai se vieron tentados por promesas de poder e inmortalidad, abandonando la senda de la Luz. Así, los Renegados -o Elegidos, como se llamaban a sí mismos- iniciaron una ola de salvaje destrucción y guerra para hacerse con el poder.
Tras un periodo de duros años de desolación que devolvió a la humanidad lo peor de sí misma, el líder de los Aes Sedai, Lews Therin Thelamon, conocido como el Dragón, decidió resolver el conflicto en una arriesgada maniobra. Reunió a los cien varones más poderosos y lideró un ataque con el objetivo de cerrar de nuevo la prisión. Logró su propósito, dejando atrapados al Oscuro y a los traidores Aes Sedai, pero a un elevado precio. El contraataque del Oscuro contaminó el Saidin, la parte masculina de la Fuente Verdadera. Poco a poco, todos los varones capaces de encauzar fueron enloquecieron de forma terrible, destruyendo todo cuanto había su alrededor. Así se inició la llamada Época de La Locura. El mundo fue sacudido en sus cimientos; cambiaron las fronteras; donde antes había desiertos, ahora había mares; donde antes había puertos, ahora sólo quedaban las vacías cáscaras de los barcos encallados; donde antes había planicies ahora había cadenas montañosas. Pueblos enteros se vieron obligados a un desolador destierro; la mayoría de la población murió en lenta agonía. Tras siglos de dolor, la humanidad fue paulatinamente recuperándose; volvieron a surgir naciones e imperios, pero ya nada era como antes. Mucho se había perdido en aquella época de locura y destrucción. La hermandad Aes Sedai, ahora compuesta sólo por mujeres, era una pálida sombra de lo que había sido. Y es ahora, 3000 años después de la Época de la Locura, cuando todo ha devenido en mitos y leyendas, una antigua profecía adquiere cada vez más visos de convertirse en una aterradora realidad.


La historia está ambientada en un mundo fantástico con la estructura social y con elementos culturales de finales del siglo XVII (y en el que la pólvora es el secreto mejor guardado de la asociación de los Iluminadores); un mundo con complejas relaciones socio-políticas entre las naciones, cada una con una cultura e idiosincrasia bastante características. En este complejo mundo de precarios equilibrios hay una fuerza central que mueve los hilos en las sombras de ese complicado contexto socio-político: las Aes Sedai, una hermandad de poderosas mujeres capaces de entrar en contacto con el Poder Único que se obtiene de la Fuente Verdadera, fuente vital del universo que hace girar la Rueda del Tiempo. Esta Fuente Verdadera está dividida en una mitad masculina (Saidin) y una mitad femenina (Saidar). Sólo un hombre puede encauzar Saidin y sólo una mujer puede encauzar Saidar. Por desgracia desde el inicio de la Época de la Locura y durante 3000 años, el Saidin permanece contaminado por la pátina del Oscuro, condenando a todos los hombres que pueden encauzar dicho poder a la locura y a la muerte.
Moghedien: originalmente llamada Lillen Moiral, le fue dado el nombre de Moghedien (araña en la Antigua Lengua) debido a que nunca actuaba al descubierto. Durante la Guerra de la Sombra, como Renegada, fue responsable de una red de inteligencia y espionaje. Tiene especial odioa hacia Nynaeve Al'meara debido a que está la derrotó y apresó en dos ocasiones. Actualmente está castigada y a las órdenes de Moridin bajo el sortilegio de la partición de almas.
Demandred: originalmente llamado Barid Bel Medar, era uno de los hombres más respetados del mundo, quizá sólo por detrás del propio Lews Therin, antes de pasarse a la Sombra. Fue precisamente la envidia lo que le hizo dejar de ser un general al servicio de la Luz.
Rahvin: originalmente llamado Ared Mosinel, cambió de bando debido a sus ansias de poder. Fue general durante la Guerra de la Sombra, aunque prefería la diplomacia y el uso de la compulsión, materia en la que estaba muy versado. Era uno de los Renegados más fuertes. Murió por balefire (fuego compacto) a manos de Rand Al'thor en la recuperación de la ciudad de Caemlyn.
Asmodean: originalmente llamado Joar Addam Nesossin, nació en la ciudad portuaria de Sorelle. Fue músico durante la Era de Leyenda. Cambió de bando debido a la promesa de inmortalidad. Derrotado por Al´thor en la ciudad perdida de los Aiel, después se volvió uno de sus maestros para que aprendiera, una vez que se había comprometido con él para ayudarlo fue asesinado, aún no se sabe por quién.
Messaana: originalmente llamada Saine Tarasind, fue una investigadora durante la Era de Leyenda. Al negarle la Antecámara el derecho a seguir investigando, comenzó a alentar en ella el rencor contra los Aes Sedai. Ya durante la guerra de la Sombra, gobernaba los territorios conquistados y llegó a fundar escuelas en las que se enseñaban a los niños las maravillas del Oscuro, instándoles a que mataran a sus compañeros si no lo creían.
Semirhage: Originalmente llamada Nemene Damendar Boann, fue la mejor curadora de la Era de Leyenda. Curaba a la gente que se encontraba al borde de la muerte, pero a cambio les producía dolor, para autocomplacerse. Cuando la Antecámara de los Siervos la amenazó con privarle del acceso al Saidar si no juraba no volver a producir dolor, huyó. Durante la guerra de la sombra, uno de sus crímenes fue tener a un hombre vivo cinco años, en perfecta condición física, para torturarle.
Sammael: Originalmente llamado Tel Janin Aellinsar, fue un destacado general de Lews Therin antes de pasarse a la sombra. Al igual que Be'lal y Demandred, cambió de bando por envidia.
Graendal: originalmente llamada Kamarile Maradim Nimdar, fue quizás la primera Aes Sedai en pasarse a la sombra. El mismo día en que lo hizo, un gran ejército de Trollocs atacó Devaille, en el que se considera primer combate de la guerra. Antes de sumarse a la Sombra era una renombrada asceta que trataba los problemas de la mente. Es quizá la mayor especialista en compulsión.
Be'Lal: originalmente llamado Duram Laddel Cham, fue uno de los Aes Sedai que se sumó a las Filas del Oscuro en la Guerra de la Sombra. Antes de pasarse a la Sombra era un buen amigo de Lews Therin Telamon, y compartía con él la pasión por el deporte de las espadas, así como un papel de importancia como general de las fuerzas de la Luz.
Balthamel: originalmente llamado Eval Raman, era un historiador que trabajaba en Paaran Disen, principal ciudad durante la Era de Leyenda, antes de unirse a la sombra. De naturaleza mujeriega, estuvo a punto de ser compelido varias veces por la Antecámara de los Siervos. Ya como Balthamel, fue responsable de administrar campos de cría de humanos para ser devorados por los trollocs, entre otras muchas atrocidades.
Aginor: originalmente llamado Ishar Marrad Chuain, era un prestigioso biólogo antes de ser seducido por la sombra, momento en el que tomó el nombre de Aginor. Fue el creador de Engendros de la Sombra tales como los Trollocs, los Myrddraal o los Gholam.
Lanfear: también conocida como la "Hija de la Noche", es una de los Renegados. Tal vez la más poderosa de los Renegados después de Ishamael, su verdadero nombre era Mierin Eronaile y se dedicaba a la investigación en Collam Daan, la universidad dedicada al Poder Único en la Era de Leyenda. A diferencia de los demás Renegados, ella escogió su nuevo nombre. Durante años estuvo enamorada (por no decir obsesionada) con Lews Therin Telamon. Lanfear es la mujer más hermosa que un hombre pueda imaginarse, de cabello largo y negro y vestida siempre de blanco. Se pone en contacto con Rand en numerosas ocasiones para ver si queda algo del antiguo Dragón en él.
Ishamael: en la antigua lengua significa "Traidor de la Esperanza", es uno de los trece Renegados. Nombre dado al líder de los Aes Sedai varones que se sumaron a las filas del Oscuro durante la Guerra de la Sombra. Su verdadero nombre era Elan Morin Tedronai, nombre que utilizó antes de unirse a la Sombra, cuando era un filósofo respetado. Se dice que incluso llego a olvidar su verdadero nombre.
Cadsuane Melaidrhin: Aes Sedai del Ajah verde. Cadsuane es una leyenda, es la Aes Sedai más vieja de la actualidad, además de ser una mujer con un talento en el Poder que rozaba lo impresionante (antes de que llegaran Elayne, Egwene y Nynaeve), fue una de las responsables de la captura de Logain en Murandy, además de otros tantos varones capaces de encauzar (se ha enfrentado a mas hombres que diez rojas juntas). Cuando se entera de que Rand es el Dragón Renacido no le cabe la menor duda de que debe permanecer a su lado como consejera y, a diferencia del resto de Aes Sedai, no quiere controlarlo, sólo enseñarle que a pesar de todo sigue siendo humano.
Alanna Mosvanni: Aes Sedai del Ajah verde, también conocido como el Ajah de batallas. Alana tiene un temperamento y una fogosidad que no es habitual esntre las hermanas. Más de una vez ha dejado a más de uno con la boca abierta. No obstante es una de las mujeres con más talento en el Poder ofensivo. Vincula a Rand en contra de la voluntad de este, pensando que eso lo atará a la Torre.
Verin Gemafwing: Aes Sedai del Ajah marrón. Verin es una mujer de grandes conocimientos y muchos secretos; de niña se consideraba sólo una persona con gran capacidad persuasiva (cuando en realidad estaba utilizando el Poder). Fue descubierta por una Aes Sedai y llevada a la Torre Blanca donde recibió adiestramiento y se convirtió en una de las mejores eruditas de la orden. Aunque parezca que siempre está distraída, no hay que fiarse puesto que presta más atención de lo que parece.
Morgase Trakand: por la Gracia de la Luz reina de Andor, Cabeza Insigne de la Casa Trakand. Morgase asumió el reinado después de la desaparición de Tigraine y muerte de Modrellein, poco antes de la Guerra de Aiel. Tiene dos hijos, Gawin y Elaine. A lo largo de su vida ha tenido varios amantes (Thom Merrilin, Gareth Brine) y un esposo, Taringail Damodred.
Gawyn Trakand: hijo de Morgase y Taringail Damodred, hermano de Elaine y hermanastro de Galadedrid, es enviado a la Torre Blanca para entrenarse en el uso de la espada con los Guardianes, dado que será el Primer Príncipe de la Espada. Cuando Siuan es depuesta, encabeza un grupo de aprendices de Gaidin que se autodenomina Los Cachorros.
Elaida Do Avrini a'Roihan: hija pequeña del Cabeza Insigne de una casa menor murandiana, va a la Torre Blanca y se convierte en una de las Aceptadas de más rápido ascenso que se recuerdan. Pasa a formar parte del Ajah Rojo. Elaida es profeta, y desde que en su primera predicción descubre que el linaje real de Andor es clave para la victoria en el Tarmon Gaidon, pide ser la consejera de la reina Morgase.
Siuan Sanche: hija de unos pescadores del Maule, barrio pesquero de Tear, descubre a los 16 años que puede encauzar, y es mandada a Tar Valon para estudiar en la Torre Blanca. Allí conoce a Moraine Damodred y entabla con ella una gran amistad. Más tarde, Siuan se convirtió en la Sede Amirlin de la Torre. Despojada por Elaida de su puesto y recuperados sus poderes por la curación de Nynaeve Al´meara, ahora es la mano derecha de Ewgene, apoyándola para unificar nuevamente a la Torre Blanca en favor de la Luz.
Juilin Sandar: nacido en Tear, este hombre es un husmeador capaz de detectar por el olor dónde ha habido violencia. Esto lo convierte en un rastreador al que los Grandes Señores de Tear le suelen encomendar la caza de ladrones. Un día conoce a Egwene y sus amigos, y su vida cambia radicalmente.
Mazrim Taim: originario de Saldaea, es conocido por ser el Falso Dragón más pernicioso que se recuerde, y uno de los hombres más poderosos en el uso del Poder Único junto con Logain y Rand. Taim se une al Dragón Renacido con la esperanza de conseguir poder y riquezas. Rand Al Thor le encomienda el reclutamiento de un ejército de varones capaces de encauzar para poder hacer frente a los Señores del Espanto (Amigos Siniestros que encauzan) en la batalla contra el Oscuro.

viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

Logain Ablar: Cabeza Insigne de una casa noble de segunda fila de Ghealdan y considerado como el falso dragón más peligroso de los últimos años (aparte de Mazrim Taim) y uno de los hombres más poderosos en la parte masculina del Poder desde la época del Desmembramiento. Logain es un hombre alto de unos treinta años, moreno y con el pelo largo hasta los hombros. Cuando descubre que es capaz de encauzar el Poder se autoconvence de que es el Dragon Renacido y que debe demostrarlo. Es capturado por las Aes Sedai en la frontera noroeste de Murandy y llevado a la Torre Blanca para ser amansado.
Thom Merrilin: es un juglar de avanzada edad (aproximadamente los 60 años), experto en el Juego de las Casas y un hombre con una gran capacidad para ver los subterfugios de la sociedad. Antiguamente era el bardo de la corte de Andor, además del amante de la reina Morgase. No obstante, se vio obligado a desaparecer sin avisar y sin dejar rastro, para resolver unos asuntos de su familia de los que aún se siente culpable.
Loial: nieto del sabio Halan del stedding Shangtai de los Ogier. Los Ogier son una raza ancestral de aproximadamente dos metros y medio de alto con largas barbas y cejas que les llegan hasta la barbilla, conocidos tanto por su habilidad para la arquitectura como para "cantar" a los árboles y producir grandes arboledas. Loial es un estudioso y uno de los seres con más conocimientos entre los humanos. Durante años sintió curiosidad por el mundo humano y, a pesar de que los mayores Ogier le consideraban joven (tiene 90 años) para salir del steding, él ignora las órdenes y sale a recorrer mundo.
Gareth Bryne: capitán general de la guardia real de Andor y, al igual que Bashere, uno de los mejores generales del mundo actual. Desde el nombramiento de Morgase Trakand como reina de Andor, Bryne la ha protegido y obedecido (casi siempre) llegando a tener una confianza con ella que iba mucho más allá que el trato entre una reina y su general.
Faile Bashere: su verdadero nombre es Zarina Bashere y es hija de Davram Bashere, además de ser prima de la reina Tenobia de Saldaea. Durante toda su vida, Faile ha sido criada como una futura esposa saldaenina, es decir, como la encargada del espionaje y las sutilezas de la sociedad, mientras el marido está en la guerra. No obstante, Faile no siempre ha estado de acuerdo con este papel, así que huye para convertirse en una Cazadora del Cuerno. Entre sus muchos viajes Faile conoce a Perrin y a Moraine y se une a ellos por la curiosidad que le produce Perrin.
Davram Bashere: primer mariscal de Saldaea (uno de los países fronterizos en guerra constante contra las fuerzas oscuras) y considerado uno de los cinco mejores generales de todo el mundo. Bashere presenta el aspecto de un hombre bajo, con nariz aguileña y ojos rasgados, además de un bigote perfilado hacia arriba y una espada de hoja serpentina de la que apenas se separa. Bashere cooce a Rand cuando se ve obligado a abandonar Saldaea en busca de un falso Dragón llamado Mazrim Taim. En el momento en que conoce a Rand, Bashere se da cuenta de quién es y crea una alianza con él, convirtiéndose en uno de los hombres de confianza de Rand.
Padan Fain: es un hombrecillo desgarbado y algo viejo, un buhonero que llega todos los inviernos a Dos Rios con cargamentos de venta y, sobre todo, muchos rumores de las tierras alejadas de la aislada comarca. No obstante, este hombrecillo es mucho más de lo que aparenta. En realidad Padan Fain es lo que se denomina "un amigo siniestro", humanos que han vendido su alma a la sombra a cambio de un puesto importante en el nuevo orden oscuro. Fain en realidad fue dotado con un poder designado por el propio Oscuro: sentirse atraído en todo momento por el Dragón Renacido. Tras su paso por Shadar Logoth, Fain se convirtió en "algo más" que un simple amigo siniestro, quedando irremediablemente ligado a Mordeth y la maldición que destruyo aquella ciudad.
Lan Mandragoran: es el Gaidin (guardian) de Moraine, el brazo armado de la Aes Sedai. Lan es el último descendiente de la desaparecida tierra de Malkier, engullida años atrás por las fuerzas oscuras, y rey no coronado de las Siete Torres. Durante años Lan se ha convertido en un hombre frío y duro a quien sólo importan dos cosas: la protección de Moraine y su guerra particular con la sombra. No obstante, todo parece cambiar en él cuando conoce a Nynaeve. Casándose en uno de los barcos de los marinos tras la muerte de Moraine, y demostrando que solo el amor de su esposa lo hace parecer alguien vivo.
Moraine Damodred: sobrina del antiguo rey de Cairhien, Moraine se crió en el Palacio del Sol, donde aprendió el llamado Juego de las Casas, que incluía las intrigas de todo el reino. A la edad de 16 años, harta de las constantes intrigas de la corte, decide presentarse ante una Aes Sedai que la lleva la Torre Blanca. Allí entabla amistad con Siuan Sanche, una pescadora de Tear de la que jamás se separa durante todo su noviciado. Moraine vive una vida relativamente tranquila cuando, poco antes de ser ascendida a Aes Sedai, es testigo de la predicción de una Aes Sedai mucho más vieja llamada Gitara Moroso. Esta predicción anuncia el nacimiento del Dragón Renacido, el cual debe salvar el mundo. Desde entonces y a lo largo de casi 20 años, Moraine y Siuan se dedican a la búsqueda de ese niño para poder ponerlo a salvo. Su investigación la lleva hasta una remota region al oeste de Andor, donde viven tres jóvenes de la edad apropiada que podrían ser el niño que busca.
Tuon: conocida también como Hija de las Nueve Lunas. Tuon es la la última hija y heredera de la emperatriz de Seanchan, un imperio desconocido donde se refugiaron los descendientes del gran conquistador Arthur Hawkwing. Es una joven menuda y de ojos oscuros con una gran capacidad tanto para la política y la intriga, como para el combate. Sus mayores aficiones son la cría de caballos y las Damane.
Min Farshaw: es una joven sencilla, divertida y machacante que vive en la ciudad de Baerlon, al norte de Dos Rios. Durante toda su vida Min se ha visto perseguida por su gran don y su gran maldición. Min es capaz de ver imágenes y auras alrededor de la gente, dichas imágenes suelen tener que ver con el futuro de la persona en cuestión aunque, desgraciadamente, no siempre entiende lo que significan. Cuando Moraine se entera de esta extraña facultad, le pide que observe a Rand, Mat y Perrin con la esperanza de que pueda divisar la verdad sobre ellos.
Aviendha: perteneciente a las Doncellas Lanceras del clan Taardad de los Aiel, Aviendha ha crecido como una guerrera, una mujer que nunca se ha sentido como tal. No obstante , cuando se ve obligada por los dirigentes de los Aiel a abandonar sus tierras para buscar a "El que Viene con el Alba", que según una profecía unirá a todos los clanes Aiel, encuentra a Rand y sus amigos, lo que cambia su mundo por completo.
Elayne Trakand: hija menor de Morgase Trakand, actual reina de Andor y una de las jóvenes con más talento en el Poder que se recuerda. Elayne es dura, orgullosa y rebelde. Desde su juventud no ha dudado en desobedecer a su madre y a su niñera para satisfacer su curiosidad, arrastrando a su hermano mayor, Gawyn, con ella. Elayne conoce a Rand cuando éste "aterriza" accidentalmente en el jardín privado del palacio de Andor y desde ese momento sabe que algún día se acabara casando con él. Una de las destinadas a ser el amor del Dragón renacido, se vuelve hermana de Avhienda y coligan a Rand por amor.
Nynaeve al'Meara: convertida en curandera o zahorí de Campo de Emond desde edad muy temprana, Nynaeve se acostumbró a poner en su sitio a mucha gente demostrando lo que valía su cargo. Esto le dio un carácter duro, controlador y en algunas ocasiones incluso mandón. No obstante, ha vivido siempre preguntándose qué es lo mejor para la gente que la rodea y siempre procura proteger a la gente que le importa. Nynaeve, al igual que Egwene se marcha de Dos Rios para convertirse en una Aes Seadai (puesto que posee más capacidad que cualquier mujer de los últimos 600 años) aunque sus motivos no son como los de su compañera; para ella, Moraine es la responsable, por no decir culpable, de que la paz de su vida y la de sus compañeros se haya visto alterada, pero no podrá hacerle frente a no ser que sea una Aes Sedai. No obstante se ha vuelto una de las más fuertes Aes Sedai, una de las mejores en la curación, y responsable junto con Rand de la limpieza del Saidin.
Egwene al'Vere: nacida, al igual que los protagonistas, en la provincia de Dos Rios e hija del alcalde Bran al'Vere. Desde pequeña, Egwene fue considerada como una niña con un gran futuro, y no andaban desencaminados. Comprometida desde los 14 años con Rand, lo conoce más que la mayoría de la gente y él la ve como una persona en la que siempre puede confiar. Cuando los tres protagonistas se marchan del pueblo con Moraine, Egwene no duda un momento en marcharse con ellos para aprender sobre el Poder Único y, al igual que Moraine, convertirse algún día en una Aes Sedai. No obstante su mundo se vuelve algo muy difícil, al ser nombrada Sede Amirlin y reponsable de derrocar a Elaida. Su único fin es ver a la Torre Blanca Unida y más fuerte que nunca.