Mejor saga

sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010


Its leader is known as the Highest. Reds are rarely raised to the Amyrlin Seat; there have only been three throughout recorded history, including Elaida do Avriny a'Rohian, in the course of the series. The two Reds that came before Elaida were both deposed as Amyrlin, the last two Amyrlins to have been deposed before  Siuan Sanche.
The traditional purpose of the Red Ajah was to seek out and control men who can channel saidin, generally by sensing the residue left by weavings of saidin. Over time, this practice evolved into "stilling" or "gentling" the men by severing their ties to the One Power completely. The Red Ajah has also recently undertaken a new role in world affairs: they have become intermediaries between the Aes Sedai and the Asha'man. Reds now bond Asha'man in preparation for the upcoming Tarmon Gai'don: it is believed that Reds have the most experience with male channelers, and are therefore the obvious choice.
Because saidin has now been cleaned of the taint, the Red Ajah is now somewhat purposeless, and author Robert Jordan has not specified whether it will find a new direction.
Reds have had a long-standing feud with the Blue Ajah. This feud began when Bonwhin, the last Red to have been made Amyrlin before Elaida, tried to control Artur Hawkwing, leading to an attempted invasion of Tar Valon and a breaking within the Tower itself. Bonwhin was replaced by a Blue sister, Deane Aryman, and the two Ajahs have been at odds ever since. This feud has recently caused another break among the Aes Sedai, starting with Siuan Sanche's deposing and ending with civil war within the Tower. Many Aes Sedai, Accepted, Novices and even servants fled the Tower for the town of Salidar, where a second, exiled White Tower was created. All Blues fled the tower, while no Reds did.
Elaida: The youngest daughter of a minor House in the north of Murandy, Elaida was the first novice to be raised to Accepted in only three years. She was raised to the shawl after Siuan Sanche and Moraine  Damodred's second year as novices and chose the Red Ajah. From the time Siuan and Moiraine came to theTower, Elaida made life miserable for them, pressing them so hard that other sisters often had to intervene. Her abusive and unwarranted 'help' as an already raised Aes Sedai were eventually put to an end after the then Mistress of Novices, Merean Redhill, having been informed by other concerned Accepted, threatened her with a penance as well as humiliation. Elaida bitterly resented this intervention, though, and grew to hate Siuan and Moiraine because of it. She has a strong aptitude with the One Power, but is frequently depicted as proud and foolish. She dreams of defeating the Salidar Rebels and having them kneel at her feet, and plans to build a grand palace for herself despite the ongoing crisis in Tar Valon. In The Fires of Heaven, Siuan speculates that Elaida was insanely jealous that the former was raised Amyrlin over her. This was probably one of Elaida's most motivating factors in deciding to mutiny against Siuan. In the novel Lord of Chaos, Padan FAin speculates that now that he has "brushed" Elaida with some of the taint of Shadar Logoth, she "might" trust her own mother, but never Rand al'Thor. This infection from Fain might also be a source of her growing and irrational paranoia.
Toveine: Toveine was a Sitter until her exile. She is described as short and slightly plump with smooth copper skin, dark eyes and long glossy dark hair. She is attractive, but not beautiful.
Fifteen years ago Toveine, and other Sitters for the Red Ajah, were exiled for their role in gentling male channelers beyond the walls of the White Tower. She is called out of exile to lead a group of fifty or so Aes Sedai to destroy the Black Tower and to gentle and hang every man they find. Upon locating the Black Tower they are captured by Asha'man and Toveine is subsequently Bonded by Logain, much like Aes Sedai create Bonds with their Warders. The modified Bonds include the ability to compel unconscious obedience.
Her time at the Black Tower is not easy. She is roughed up by the other Aes Sedai who accompanied her, blaming her for their capture. Logain's other Bonded Aes Sedai, Gabrelle, tells her that the captured Sisters must unite and that they two will submit to the strongest Aes Sedai there. It is during a ride with Logain that she and Gabrelle hear Atal Mishraile tell Logain that Mazrim Taim is letting him leave to go look for recruits. Toveine, along with Gabrelle go with him.
She ends up not looking for other recruits with Logain but locating Rand al'Thor instead, which was Logain's plan from the start.

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